In 2023 over 100,000 trucking companies went bankrupt due to lack of freight, so stop relying on load boards or brokers and start connecting with shippers.

Direct shippers, your path towards growth and expansion.

Don't let brokers stifle your progress.
Build a self-reliant fleet and win over shippers without brokers.
Save up to 15% of your gross income.
Say goodbye to brokers. Eliminate the middleman and save up to 15% of gross income on broker fees.
Retain more of your earned money.
Retain more of your income, fueling your ambitions & financial aspirations.
Get 50 to 70 cents more per mile.
With direct shippers you even earn 50 to 75 cents more per mile.

Calculate your potential savings from direct shipper partnerships.

Complete empty fields and calculate the potential savings you’ll get from connecting with direct shippers through our service.

How does it works ... You'll be connecting with shippers through    using our AI-automated service.

93% of B2B marketers consider LinkedIn to be the most effective site for lead generation.
LinkedIn is responsible for 64% of all visits from social media channels to corporate websites.
80% of LinkedIn members want to connect with companies to enhance their decision-making.
50% of LinkedIn members report they are more likely to connect with a company they engage with on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn generates more leads for B2B companies than Facebook, Twitter, or blogging individually.

51% of companies acquired a B2C customer through LinkedIn.

See the interaction of our clients with direct shippers, and observe how we seamlessly integrate them into conversations.

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Higher profits
Cutting out brokers means you retain the full freight payment, leading to increased profitability for your trucking business.
Stable revenue streams
Direct relationships with shippers often lead to more consistent and predictable loads, ensuring a steady flow of work.
Stronger partnerships
Building direct connections with shippers fosters long-term relationships, promoting trust and loyalty.
Better communication
Direct communication with shippers allows for clear instructions, load updates, and improved problem-solving.
Reduced costs
Eliminating broker commissions and fees lowers operating expenses, resulting in improved cost-effectiveness.
Flexibility and negotiation
Working directly with shippers may enable more room for negotiation on rates and terms, benefiting your bottom line.
Increased freight visibility
You gain better insights into available freight, ensuring you can select the most profitable and suitable loads.
Market insights
Establishing direct relationships with shippers provides valuable market insights, helping you align your services with demand trends.
Branding and reputation
Collaborating directly with reputable shippers can enhance your company’s image and credibility within the industry.
Control over operations
Having direct relationships with shippers grants you more control over scheduling, load preferences, and overall business decisions.

Get started now.

Remember, the road to success is paved with strategic investments.
Apply with us today. Complete the form below and let’s get you rolling.